Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Poolatar says miau!

This cat come to Tartu also few weeks ago, it was 26th January 2010. She came from Poland, so her way was like to the north and little east side. Same as polar cat, she was searching, hunting and checking the hood.
She met polar cat at one party and it was start of very beautiful friendship :)

Both cats figure out that they will make a blog about Tartu for foreign people coming into town.

We want to show You what You can find here, what`s good what`s bad and present every information that we were looking for before we came here!

So enjoy! :) We hope You will like that...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Soomlanna says miaow!

This cat came to town a few weeks ago, to date 28th of January. She's like a polar cat, 'cause she came all the way from up north, across the Baltic Sea to southern Estonia. In Tartu she's been searching, she's been lost, she's been hunting, she's been checking out the hoods and naturally - purring.

One beautiful night out partying she met an other cat, a polish cat, and it was true friendship at the first sight. That cat purrs the same way this cat does! How miaow is that?!

My mission is to tell you the best and the worst about Tartu, about the places and of course the people here. One Estonian tom already joined our gang, as you can read from the following posts.

Here's a clip from my all time favourite TV-show, the Friends. Didn't forget the theme, obviously ;)

Knock, knock... "Who's there?"

It's me. I kill you!

Check out the next posts to find out who we are!

This is how we behave